Monday, June 2, 2008

throw your whole body

I learned a lesson ...throw your whole body into the punch or basically turn your body to the point to where you want to hit.. I think that's the idea...

Anyways, I threw my neck out for a bit in class today becasue I did not turn my body into the punch and I got an immediate tight kink in the neck and couldn;t move it for a while. I was crunched up with my head tilted towards my neck and coudn;t relax without a sharp pain kicking in.I was able to work it out slowly (it was actually pretty painful) , but once i got it out and went through the move in slow motion with my Instructor , I realized as he explained how it happened and the importance of TURNING your body into it.

now i'll never forget!

but I am kinda thinking it would be nice to like figure out how to strengthen that part of the neck but without develping a big muscle-chunk neck or what if f I consistently stretch it out if that would be preventitive? Not that I don;t want to do the move properly...but just to be more felxible so as to avoid any unforseen jerky moves that might happen in the ring.. I dunno. Am I thinking about this the right way?

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