Monday, June 2, 2008

Bad bRains vs. B

over the summer , I discovered working out to Bad Brains fucki'n rocks!
the short punk rock songs are great for doing short intense outbursts of boxing on the 19 count or machine gun punches or whatver.. mix it up or just ocncentrate one one thing and I just keep swithcing it up from track to track through out the whole album and it's awseome! there's like a few tracks that mellow out to more reggae rythm and i'd just mellow out to shadow boxing or pick up the jump rope for those !

only thing is though...I cant really do it here in my living room. I was doing it in my mom's wherhouse space over the summer.


...but I dunno, I am thinking of maybe building my confidence up and just doing it in the backyard with my ipod?

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