Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mexican boxer Drinking

that was hardcore.
shots of patron the whole night through. not a word of English and stories told that were not allowed to leave that place.
so, that's it.

puked quite a bit.
didn;t get to my private boxing the next day.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


i got one.

can't they make those in flavours? they taste like f'n shit !

Sunday, July 13, 2008

free raisins

frequently at the end of class Professor Ruby gives out free things. Tonight it was a box of raisins.
the other night it was a giant movie poster but i declined that. I dunno where all these things come from-but it's cool . I like it. I kinda feel like a kid that did good, ya know?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

jump rope

saturday morning.
i did it.
i got up. put my neon orange reeboks on and headed down into the backyard for some jump roping. there's a nice perfect patch of cement to jump on.

i swear to goddess- I am totally going to make this a good habit.

Monday, June 2, 2008

throw your whole body

I learned a lesson ...throw your whole body into the punch or basically turn your body to the point to where you want to hit.. I think that's the idea...

Anyways, I threw my neck out for a bit in class today becasue I did not turn my body into the punch and I got an immediate tight kink in the neck and couldn;t move it for a while. I was crunched up with my head tilted towards my neck and coudn;t relax without a sharp pain kicking in.I was able to work it out slowly (it was actually pretty painful) , but once i got it out and went through the move in slow motion with my Instructor , I realized as he explained how it happened and the importance of TURNING your body into it.

now i'll never forget!

but I am kinda thinking it would be nice to like figure out how to strengthen that part of the neck but without develping a big muscle-chunk neck or what if f I consistently stretch it out if that would be preventitive? Not that I don;t want to do the move properly...but just to be more felxible so as to avoid any unforseen jerky moves that might happen in the ring.. I dunno. Am I thinking about this the right way?

jackie chan is on the wall

i had noticed a pic of Jackie chan and cute kid on the wall before...the kid was so good looking I just assumed he was a celebrity...but today I found out he was actully the son of my Instructor and the photo was taken in Korea, I think ?

coooooool !

Bad bRains vs. B

over the summer , I discovered working out to Bad Brains fucki'n rocks!
the short punk rock songs are great for doing short intense outbursts of boxing on the 19 count or machine gun punches or whatver.. mix it up or just ocncentrate one one thing and I just keep swithcing it up from track to track through out the whole album and it's awseome! there's like a few tracks that mellow out to more reggae rythm and i'd just mellow out to shadow boxing or pick up the jump rope for those !

only thing is though...I cant really do it here in my living room. I was doing it in my mom's wherhouse space over the summer.


...but I dunno, I am thinking of maybe building my confidence up and just doing it in the backyard with my ipod?